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Clinical Practice
ICCMS™ Preventing new lesions, arresting existing lesions, and preserving tooth structure of lesions that need operative care

To support a shift toward a more preventive and outcomes-focused philosophy, the ICCMS™ group developed a framework that synthesizes risk assessment data with caries classifications.
The aim is to help clinicians systematically identify patients at risk of caries detect initial and treat them non-operatively wherever possible and, where surgery is needed ICCMS provides guidance on healthy tissue preservation.
As a result this framework will deliver health maintenance, disease control, patient-centered quality metrics as well as the wider impacts of using the system.
Our Core Training elearning programme is structured to reflect these elements and is tailored to your specific field of dentistry.
Since 2018, ICCMS™ in Practice is being delivered by CariesCare International.
Also note that the FDI issued a Policy Statement in September 2019 specifically endorsing the ICCMS™: FDI World Dental Federation supports a shift in caries management from restorative treatment to measures that arrest and prevent caries development including monitoring, following the concepts of International Caries Classification and Management System (ICCMS™).